CDL General Knowledge Test 6 – Classic Mode

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1. Truck escape ramps:

A Cannot be used by certain types of heavy vehicles.
B Are designed to protect vehicles from damage.
C Should not be used unless you have first tried all other ways to save your vehicle after brake failure.
D All of the above.

2. Which of these can cause the vehicle to skid?

A Not enough weight on the drive axles.
B Over acceleration.
C Turning too sharply.
D All of the above.

3. You are driving a vehicle that could safely be driven at 55 MPH on an open road. But traffic is now heavy, moving at 35 MPH although the speed limit is 55. The safest speed for your vehicle in this situation is most likely:

A 55 MPH
B 45 MPH
C 35 MPH
D 25 MPH

4. Every time you park your vehicle and shut the engine off you should:

A Leave it in gear (if it has a manual transmission).
B Apply the parking brake.
C Turn the steering wheel as far to the left as you can.
D Do all the above.

5. Which of these describes how you should use the brake pedal on a steep downhill grade?

A Release the brake when you are 5 MPH below your safe speed, then let your speed come back up to your safe speed and repeat braking again, (bring you speed down 5 MPH below your safe speed)
B With stronger pressure as the vehicle goes downhill.
C Light steady pressure.
D Light, pumping action.

6. For an average commercial vehicle, being driven at 55 MPH on dry pavement it will take about ____ to bring the vehicle to a stop.

A The length of a vehicle.
B Half the length of a football field.
C Twice the length of the vehicle.
D The length of a football field.

7. Which of these statements about certain types of cargo is true?

A Oversize loads can be hauled without special permits during times when the roads are not busy.
B When liquids are hauled, the tank should always be loaded totally full.
C Unstable loads such as hanging meat or livestock require extra caution on curves.
D Loads that consist of liquids in bulk do not present vehicle handling problems because they are usually very heavy.

8. Which of these statements about backing a heavy vehicle is true?

A Backing is always dangerous.
B You should back and turn toward the driver's side whenever possible.
C You should use a helper and communicate with hand signals whenever possible.
D All of the above are true.

9. When should you wear seat belts?

A Only in states where it is required by law.
B Any time you are in a moving vehicle.
C Only when engaged in interstate commerce.
D Only when traveling on a highway.

10. The most common cause of serious vehicle skids is:

A Driving too fast for road conditions.
B Poorly designed roads.
C Poorly adjusted brakes.
D Over inflated tires.

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