CDL Practice Test Training
Our FREE CDL Practice Tests have been helping future truckers pass the official state CDL tests since 2004! Each CDL Test Mode has 600 Test Questions and Answers and is based on your 2024 state CDL manual. Retake each CDL practice test as often as needed… that is, until you know your stuff!
The Essentials for Class A Drivers:
General Knowledge Tests | Combination Vehicles Tests | Air Brakes Tests
More Endorsement Areas:
Doubles/Triples Tests | Hazardous Materials Tests | Tank Vehicles Tests
Additional Testing:
Each CDL test area now has 3 Testing Modes: Classic, Practice (In Practice Mode, you get the exact CDL manual reference with every correct answer!) and Exam to help you quickly master the material. Click Here to learn about our 3 Testing Modes and see how they’ll help you pass your official state CDL written exams.
Find out how to easy it is to use our FREE CDL testing system to pass your state CDL DMV Exams!
Step #1
Determine Which Tests You Need to Take
I’m here at the CDL Practice Test Center which you can access from the main menu. You can access all the main testing areas here as well as learn more about the whole process. Read through this page at least once before you begin. This will help you get the most out of our testing system.
To help you determine which tests to take for your situation, hover over CDL Training in the top menu, then click “How to get a CDL.” Once there, go down the page a bit, and there’s a chart that clarifies which tests you need to take.
Some tests you must take, and pass, just to get a CDL, while passing other tests enable you to drive certain types of commercial vehicles or haul special types of products.
If you’re going to drive any type of commercial vehicle, you have to pass the General Knowledge test. To drive any commercial vehicle with air brakes, pass the Air Brakes test. And to drive a commercial vehicle with combination vehicles, which is all tractor-trailers, you must pass the Combination Vehicles test.
The rest of the chart shows you the types of tests you must pass to be able to drive other types of commercial vehicles.
Step #2
Download or Open Your State CDL Manual
So you go up here, State CDL Manuals, Instant Downloads. You find your state, and open up the link in a new window or tab. If you’re on a bigger screen, open up the manual in full screen. On a smartphone I recommend either getting a copy of the manual from the DMV/DPS, or you can go to your downloaded manual and print out the sections you need. I’ll talk about this more in a minute.
Step #3
Read the section of the CDL manual.that you want to prepare for first.
You just want to take the tests, I understand. But the CDL manual is the source of all information you’re tested on. Yes, the manual can be boring to read and can be difficult to learn from.
This is why we’ve created Trucker Country’s 3 mode testing system. Your goal will be to just get an overview when you read the CDL manual. But you’ll remember the information more from practicing.
Look at the table of contents in your manual from the first state on the list, Alabama. I recommend you focus on one testing area at a time. So for example if you’re going to start with General Knowledge, read the first three sections of the CDL manual. Just breeze through this information, don’t try to memorize anything or stress out. Read it quickly and move on to the General Knowledge tests, which is where you’re really gonna learn the material. More on how to take these tests in a second.
Then later, when you’re done with all the General Knowledge tests, move on to Air Brakes. For this read section 5. Then Combination Vehicles, read section 6. Then if you need any additional endorsements; Doubles and Triples, Tank Vehicles or Tankers, Hazardous Materials or Hazmat, Passenger Vehicles… read those sections of your CDL manual before moving on to the tests.
Step #4
Start Testing In Classic Mode
First off, to access any test, there are a few ways to go about it. From the CDL Practice Test Center, or from the top navigation menu, you can go to any main CDL testing area. So if you want, for example, to take a General Knowledge test, click here to go to the main General Knowledge Practice Test page.
Open up test #1, in full screen if you’re on desktop, laptop or any bigger screen. Take the test, and at the end of the test, calculate your grade and if you want, take note of the correct answers and look over the ones you missed. But don’t take too long here. The Classic Mode will just give you a good idea about how much you know, and how much time you’ll need to prepare. Then, continue on through the rest of the General Knowledge Classic Mode tests this way.
At this point, there are a few ways you could proceed. But I recommend continuing in General Knowledge, proceeding to Practice Mode and then Exam Mode.
Step #5
Start Testing In Practice Mode
Now this is where things get more interesting. In Practice Mode, after each question you get the immediate result (correct answer) as well as the CDL Manual reference, given here. At this point you could look up and read that section of the manual if you wish. It’s up to you how you prepare here, depending on the size of the screen you’re on, and your personal preferences.
But this is what I would recommend.
If you’re on a bigger screen, open up 2 windows side-by-side, like this. One, the test you’re practicing on, the other, your state CDL Manual you either downloaded to your computer, or previously opened in a new tab or window.
But what if you’re on a smaller device, like a smartphone. It can be difficult to go back and forth between the CDL practice tests, and trying to find the right section of the manual. Scrolling up and down for each question is not the most efficient way to learn. You also could end up getting frustrated and not even want to continue.
If you really want to follow along with your CDL Manual, you could get yourself an actual copy of the manual from your local DMV office. You could also just go to the downloaded manual and just print out the sections you need. Either way, you’d then keep the printed material open while you kept your phone or tablet on the practice tests.
For example, in Practice Mode, start with General Knowledge test #1, and answer each question. If you get the answer right, and you feel confident you know that one, move on to the next question. But if you either got it wrong, or just need a little more reinforcement, go to the CDL Manual location you were given and give it a quick read.
Step #6
Start Testing In Exam Mode
Ok, when you’ve finished all 15 General Knowledge practice tests in practice mode, move on to Exam Mode. Open up the first test in full screen (if you’re on a big screen). You won’t need to go side-by-side with the CDL Manual here, because you’re going to prepare, and take the test like it’s the actual DMV exam. Exam Mode tests are similar to state DMV/DPS exams in that each test is timed, and results aren’t known until you’ve completed the test.
80% is the passing grade for the state exams. But when practicing, shoot for 100%. If you’re having trouble getting 80% or better, go back to whatever test or testing area you’re having a hard time with, like General Knowledge test #4 in Exam Mode, and spend some more time on that exact test in Practice Mode before coming back to Exam Mode.
Or, just repeat them all in Practice Mode, all of General Knowledge, before coming back and taking the General Knowledge Exam Mode test again. A little repetition will help you remember the information. Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine how much work you’ll need.
Step #7
Repeat Steps For Each Testing Area
Now, if you’re done with General Knowledge, it’s time to move on to the next testing area. Air Brakes in this case. Go back to step #3 and do the whole process again with Air Brakes. Then, when you have Air Brakes down, do the same with Combination Vehicles. After that, work on any other endorsement testing area you want.
What if you’re already a trucker and you only want to add an endorsement?
For example, you only need your Hazmat Endorsement. You’re already a truck driver, and you just want to add your Hazardous Materials Endorsement so you can legally haul hazardous materials.
Simply start at step #3, and read the Hazmat section of your manual. Then go through the rest of the steps, focusing on just Hazardous Materials. Follow this same process if you need any other endorsement: tankers, doubles/triples, or passenger vehicles.
Step #8
Go and Pass Your State CDL Exams
This is your final step. Congratulations, you’re ready to go and pass your state CDL exams. Thanks for coming to Trucker Country and Good luck.
To further help you prepare for your state CDL exams, we’re recently added our Premium membership site, Trucker Country University. This will simplify and speed up your entire learning process.
It also eliminates the need to use the CDL manual and having to go back and forth between the manual and the practice tests.
For each training module there’s an instructional video where you can watch as I go through each question, look at the correct answer, and show where in the CDL manual the answer comes from (and why it’s the correct answer), as well as explain information wherever necessary.
There are many other benefits to a Premium Membership including, simulated DMV exams, no ads, and a 100% No Pass, No Pay Guarantee. Click the upgrade button in the menu above to learn more.
Easily PASS your state exams by Watching Instructional Videos!

General Knowledge
Practice Tests
You MUST pass this test to get your CDL and drive a commercial vehicle. The General Knowledge CDL test is taken from CDL manual sections 1 (general trucking knowledge), 2 (driving safely), and 3 (transporting cargo safely).

Combination Vehicles
Practice Tests
You must pass the Combination Vehicles exam to pull any kind of trailer. Tests cover section 6 of the CDL manual, including Driving Combination Vehicles Safely, Coupling and Uncoupling, Inspections, and more.

Air Brakes
Practice Tests
To drive a commercial vehicle with air brakes, you must get the Air Brakes endorsement on your CDL. This exam is based on Air Brakes section 6 of the CDL manual, covering The Parts of an Air Brake System, Dual Air Brake, and Inspecting/Using Air Brakes.

Doubles & Triples
Practice Tests
More things can go wrong when pulling 2 or 3 trailers, so you must understand safety regulations in your CDL manual. Questions come from section 7 and include pulling, coupling/uncoupling, and inspecting double/triple trailers.

Combination Vehicles
Practice Tests
You must pass the Combination Vehicles exam to pull any kind of trailer. Tests cover section 6 of the CDL manual, including Driving Combination Vehicles Safely, Coupling and Uncoupling, Inspections, and more.

Hazardous Materials
Practice Tests
To legally transport Hazardous Materials as defined in Title 49, CFR, §383.5, you must get a Hazmat Endorsement. CDL Test questions are based on CDL manual section chapter covering Hazardous Materials.

Tank Vehicles
Practice Tests
To haul vehicles that transport liquids or gases, you need to get the Tanker Endorsement on your CDL. Test questions are based on section 8 of your CDL manual and cover inspecting and driving tank vehicles, plus safe driving rules.

Pre-Trip Inspection
Practice Tests
We've created questions designed to prepare you to pass the Pre-Trip Inspection part of the CDL skills test. Based on section 11 of your CDL manual, covering all vehicles, external inspection, and trailer inspections.

Passenger Vehicles
Practice Tests
To drive a bus, you must get a Passenger Vehicles endorsement on your CDL. Questions based on Section 4, covering Transporting Passengers Safely, Vehicle Inspection, Loading & Trip Start, After-trip procedures, and Prohibited Practices.
CDL Practice Tests in Your State
We Now Have 3 CDL Test Modes to Help You Prepare to Pass Your Official DMV Exams!
Our CDL practice test questions and answers will thoroughly prepare you to Pass EACH U.S. State’s official DMV exams. To get a Class A, Class B, or a Class C CDL or CLP (Commercial Learner’s Permit), you must pass these tests. To use our 3 Testing Mode sytem as a CDL study guide, see How to Pass the Official State CDL Exams. Also see classes of licenses, and CDL endorsements. Truck driving schools across the country are now sending their students to our site to prepare for the official DMV permit tests. That’s because our new testing mode system makes our practice tests a complete CDL course – but without the big cost you’ll find with other online courses!

Classic Mode
In our original Classic Mode, CDL tests have a series of multiple choice questions that are all on one page. No need to study the guide beforehand, but it'll be helpful to open up your state manual in another tab and have it available, because you'll need it in Practice Mode. Going through the questions in this way will quickly give you an idea where you stand and how much preparation you're likely to need when you move on to Practice Mode. Yes, see how well you do, but try not to stress out about any mistakes at this point.

Practice Mode
In this mode, you get instant correct answers after every question AND a CDL reference. This points you to the exact location in your official state CDL manual so you can immediately see for yourself where the question came from and reread that section if necessary, which cements that information in your head. You'll be confident that each answer is accurate because it's RIGHT THERE in your official state handbook and THAT'S what you're tested on!

Exam Mode
Each Exam Mode CDL practice test is timed and you get your grade and results only after you've finished each test. This is very similar to the official state DMV written exams!
After you've completed each test, check out your free assessment report, which tells you which answers you got correct and incorrect along with each question. As with all of our tests, retake tests as needed. Good Luck!
General Questions
How Will Trucker Country’s CDL Tests Help You Pass the Official Exams?
Our CDL practice test questions and answers will thoroughly prepare you to Pass EACH U.S. State’s official DMV exams. To get a Class A, Class B, or a Class C CDL or CLP (Commercial Learner’s Permit), you must pass these tests. To use our 3 Testing Mode sytem as a CDL study guide, see How to Pass the Official State CDL Exams. Also see classes of licenses, and CDL endorsements. Truck driving schools across the country are now sending their students to our site to prepare for the official DMV permit tests. That’s because our new testing mode system makes our practice tests a complete CDL course – but without the big cost you’ll find with other online courses!
What Makes Our Tests Better than Other Testing Sites?
Yes, our CDL practice tests are FREE, but there are many sites out there with free CDL practice tests. The QUALITY of the tests is what matters most! These tests must be accurate, challenging, and up to date (2020) with the latest Federal Guidelines found in your official state handbook. We make sure that they are. Take some practice tests and try us. If you believe you find an error, or something that’s confusing, email us and we will get right back to you. But these tests have been taken millions of times and you can rest assured that they are correct! You’ll get better quality test preparation than you’ll find on other online sites, but with one big bonus… these tests are still FREE.
Do the Official CDL Exams Vary From State To State?
Nope. Regardless of what state you live in, each and every state’s written CDL exam is based on Federal Guidelines taken from the same information. Think about it, do you really believe that the way you drive a big truck changes from one state to the next? Is there a different braking technique on a mountain in Colorado than there is in Alaska? Are Hazmat placards placed in a different location on your trailer depending on what state you’re in? Not so much. Practicing with our CDL tests will prepare you to pass EVERY CDL written exam, in ALL states!
That being said, it’s essential that you read your state CDL manual – instant access here. Your CDL manual has specific information for your state, such as fees, testing locations, phone numbers for your local testing centers, and their hours of testing and service. They may also offer CDL study guides that could further prepare you for the CDL permit exam.
Are These the Same Exact Test Questions I’ll Get on the Official Exams?
Our CDL tests are similar, but not necessarily the exact same as the official state permit test you’ll have to take and pass to get your commercial drivers license (CDL). The official state exams change often to prevent passing along of the answers. But by practicing with our tests in conjunction with studying the corresponding sections of your state CDL handbook, you’ll be well on your way to passing the written exams and getting your CDL.
How Can I Prepare for the Official DMV /DOT Written CDL Exams in My State?
Go to our Truck Driving Schools page and access your state which has the following resources to help you prepare to pass your official state exams:
- Link to state CDL requirements
- DMV locations, costs, and more
- Your state CDL manual to reference as you take our practice tests.
- Link to truck driving schools near you
- Additional information about your state exams