Semi hauling seafood inspected; ISP senses something fishy

drugs found in semi in indiana 2

Monday afternoon, tractor-trailer hauling seafood from California to New York was stopped in Indiana by Indiana State Patrol for a “routine compliance inspection”. After talking to the driver and passenger, the trooper became suspicious and developed “probable cause” for a search of the vehicle. Additional ISP troopers were requested to assist. According to the Banner … Read more

TV remotes used to set semis ablaze in apparent arson

smoke in holyoke ma tractor trailer fire comcast remotes

On Sunday night in Holyoke, Ma., 2 semis were set on fire, apparently intentionally triggered by Comcast TV remotes in each of the trucks. A third truck caught on fire as the flames spread. The fire sent a “thick black plume of smoke” into the night air, which could be smelled a good distance away … Read more