Our Free Nebraska CDL Practice Tests have been helping future truckers pass the official state exams and get their CDL since 2004. Our NE CDL test questions and answers cover everything you’ll need to be thoroughly prepared when you go and take the real exams. These tests are in Classic, Practice, and Exam Modes.
In Practice Mode, you get immediate results after each answered question plus the exact CDL manual location to aid your study.
In Exam Mode, Each practice test is timed and you get your grade and results only after you’ve finished each test. This is very similar to the official state CDL written exams!
All questions are derived from the official Nebraska manual.
To pass the official written exams, start by getting your CDL manual. Then, while still keeping the manual handy, start taking our practice tests. We also have additional Nebraska CDL Resources (see below) to help you get your CDL.
Nebraska CDL Resources
- Link to Nebraska CDL Requirements
- Link to Nebraska CDL manual
- Link to Nebraska Truck Driving Schools
- Link to our main CDL Practice Test page
Additional Information About Nebraska CDL Tests
The Nebraska CDL manual is based on the same template given from the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) and based on Federal Guidelines. This information doesn’t change from state to state. Each state turns this template into their own CDL manual and adds such things as an introduction, state DMV/DPS locations, requirements, and fees for that state. The FMCSA’s mission “is to reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities involving large trucks and buses”. These rules must be consistent nationwide.
Think about it. The way you drive a big truck doesn’t change from one state to the next. Is there a different braking technique on a mountain in Colorado than there is in West Virginia? No, that’s why the questions and answers on the Air Brakes test are the same on the Nebraska CDL test as they are on every other state’s test. Are Hazmat placards placed in a different location on your trailer depending on what state you’re in? Not so much. That’s why the Hazardous Materials CDL test is the same in every state.